Out of the expanses of the unknown, comes the known. From seeming nothingness comes form and substance. All that we sense, see and experience emanated from a universally, unified, thinking power. There is nothing made that doesn’t originate in thought. Everything begins as an idea.

Herein abides a great and powerful truth, a truth meant to serve us well. Each of us possesses an undeniable, inalienable ability to create. There is no limit to this ability. There is no restraint except that which we place upon us.

This power to create is a two-edged sword. It is indiscriminate, so it works along the negative and positive poles. Our power is without feeling, so it doesn’t measure or weigh the outcomes. It acts and reacts to the elements and forces offered and converging in the moment of every creative act. Therefore, we have created and co-created every aspect of our current reality.

I know many reading this will want to walk away now. It’s a most violent prospect to consider we have participated in some way to manifest that which we believe is to our detriment, displeasure, and sometimes demise. It’s ludicrous, maybe even crazy to think we’re doing, saying, thinking or being something to bring about the distasteful experiences of our lives.

Muster whatever courage is necessary to continue reading! Don’t walk away! Read on.

There’s a beautiful revelation here. If you’ll allow it to be so, you’ll see just how powerful you’ve already been. In all reality, I too, had to press past my initial disbelief and rejection of this marvelous truth. I had been creating and/or allowing everything in my life. You have been, and maybe are now creating and/or allowing everything in your life.

How can this be beautiful? Well, if we could create that which we find unpleasant and distasteful unconsciously, then imagine what we could do now that we’re confronted with the truth. Imagine what you can do alert, and aware, and fully conscious.

The truth is; many of us want to believe that we would have no part in creating what we believe we don’t want. Ironically, we willingly play our role in unveiling the mysteries of each moment as it unfolds. The fact that it seems to have happened without our conscious effort is irrelevant, because there is nothing that could happen in our lives that we don’t consent to in one way or another.

Furthermore, events are never just events. They are always servicing a most important intention, desire, or end. That end is the “who” we are becoming and choosing to be. No event is good or bad. We choose it to be one or the other. No pain of loss is anything more than our personal choice of experience. No sting of rejection is anything more than an emotional illusion pivoting on our choice to feel isolated in unworthiness.

It is, and will always be true; we possess the power to create. With this in mind I wish to share a few tools to help align this power in such a way it serves your truest and greatest intentions. If you’ll let go of your resistance and desire to justify, or make excuses for what you’ve created or allowed prior to this moment, you’ll be able to experience a most incredible and irreversible liberty.

  1. Get quiet: Carve out at least 30 minutes of quiet time to still your mind. Focus on your breathing. Feel it flow in and out of you. Sense the oxygen filling your lungs and the carbon dioxide exiting. Sense your connectedness to all there is in your present and presence. Listen for the silence. Listen for your heart beating. Let the peace in the moment wash over you in mind, body, and spirit. Then, become conscious of the ambient noise in your thoughts. Get clear on all the accusation, blame, fear, doubt, pettiness, anxiety, etc. This is only to recognize the truth about your inner space. Do not label the words you hear in your mind as good or bad, right or wrong. Just hear them to be clear about your self-talk. Be sure you don’t ring the bell to begin grappling with these words and voices. There’s no need to fight them. You’re not trying to change it. That requires too much effort. Focus on one word, mental image, or feeling at a time. As you single one out, simply let it go. Let go of the feelings it incites. Let go of the pain it causes. Let go of the sense of shame or guilt it may have evoked. Letting go is the only way to truly get quiet. The best times to do this is before getting ready for bed at night or early in the morning before the hustle and bustle of your day begins.
  2. Get drafting: Now that you have moved towards quietness, it’s time for you to begin drafting the blue-prints for your intentions. This part of creating begins with the act of envisioning. You must create the framework for what it is you intend to be, have and do, and this happens in the mind. Everything begins with an idea. Therefore, you must hold in your mind that thing which you intend to see, hold and have in your life. Great care must be given here because we cannot hold in our hands what we cannot embrace in our minds. Contractors don’t begin building a structure until it has been completed, in every detail, by an architect. The architect may never pick up a hammer, nail, drill or screw; but they are responsible for the all-important dimensions, square footage, structural foot-print, layout, and flow of the structure to be constructed. We must do this same thing with our intentions. We must get to the drafting table and sort out all of the essential details of our intentions, visions, dreams, or goals. We must be extremely specific. Be clear about colors, materials, locations, dimensions, people, time-lines, smells, etc. Then, embrace it emotionally as if you were already living, doing, having, or being the thing you intend. Nothing is created without this step. Things may happen without this step. But, nothing is created without drafting with detail.
  3. Be certain: This is critical to possessing and utilizing the power of creative visualization. Many people overlook or discount the importance of certainty. Notice I didn’t use the word believe or faith. Those words are ambiguous and subjective! No, the appropriate term to use is certain. You must be certain of a number of things to realize that which you intend. You must be certain what you intend is possible to and for you. You must be certain you have all you need, or that what you need is steadily coming to you to bring it into your physical reality. You must be certain it will not diminish you in character or in any moral or ethical sense. You must be certain it isn’t an act of competition. You must be certain it is in harmony with your core life philosophies. And, most importantly, you must be certain you believe you’re worthy to have it, be it, and do it. If your intentions violently thrust you into conflict internally or with others it will be very difficult for you to realize that intention. If you are certain, consciously or unconsciously, you’re unworthy of that which you intend, you can never have it, do it, or be it.
  4. Free yourself: Let go of any fear, doubt, anxiety, worry, or concern about how everything will come together to realize your intentions. The question of the how causes even the most determined to stumble at times. So, be sure you let go of your need to control the how. The world and/or universe will work out the details to aid you in creating. It’s all been designed to respond to your creative power as a network of support and assistance. Just remain certain that, as you’ve thought and envisioned, it will come to be. Fear around the how is actually our ego’s need to insulate itself from the possibility of embarrassment. It’s also the ego’s means of softening the blow of our often expected failure. Therefore, free yourself from the burden of the how, trusting that God and all His creation is working with you to make your intentions realities.
  5. Take delight: Make this process of creative visualization delightful. Relish it with joy and excitement, in calm anticipation of your intended end. Allow a deep sense of gratitude to warm your heart and fill the spirit of your mind with delight. Gratitude is appropriate here because you’re already certain of your outcomes. The results, in your mind, are pre-determined. So, you’re resting in expectation of the fulfillment of all you’ve envisioned. Make the pleasure of gratitude become your constant state. Most people only exercise gratitude in a most responsive manner. But, to live in gratitude is an actual transformation in how we see and experience the world and our place in it. So, take pleasure and delight in that which you’ve envisioned, knowing it is yours presently, simply awaiting its actualization.
  6. Rehearsal: Finally, you must commit to rehearsing your intentions. You know the expression; “Practice makes perfect.” This is also true regarding the power of creative visualization. You must meditate on what it is you’re intending, and you must do this at least twice a day. Just be sure you don’t approach this rehearsing in a way that you’re actually trying to convince yourself of anything. This rehearsal is of that which you’re already certain. Rehearse your blueprint every night before retiring for the night, and every morning when you begin your day. Let it roll as sequential footage upon the screen of your mind. Keenly focus on each frame of all you’re creatively visualizing. Add joy and excitement to your rehearsing and you will increase the intensity of your creative power.

If you’ll apply yourself to these six things without resistance, reluctance, doubt or fear you will transmute all you’ve envisioned into its tangible and material form. By committing to these steps daily you will effectively imprint all you envision upon your subconscious, and when this occurs there will be nothing that could block or stop all you intend.




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