It’s quite easy to discount or dismiss simplicity in our lives. At times we choose to believe that a rich and fulfilling life must be complex and difficult to achieve or we would have it already.
The secret of success isn’t a secret at all. This is obvious because there are many, from all walks of life, that are living their lives in total freedom. They’re able to experience their lives this way due to the simple disciplines they commit to every day. We tend to make the mistake in thinking simple means easy, when this is only true some of the time. Truth is, simple is frequently hard! It requires consistency and persistence, a gritty toughness to continue to do some things that aren’t always comfortable.
So, here are some more simple disciplines that can help you change your life and put you on a path that will empower you to design the life of your choosing.
  1. Properly define your relationships: Be sure to cherish your family. Treat them like you wish to be treated, and do your best to create memories that will stand the test of time. Usually, your family consists of the people that remain the most constant in your life, so do your best to make them a priority. Then, regarding all other relationships, make sure you know the difference between friends and associates. Friends are those people that reciprocate the goodness you extend to them. Associates are the people you could live with or without, and vice-versa. Get clear on those whom you should expand your association, those whom you should limit your association, and those whom you should discontinue association. There’s simply not enough room in your inner circle for everyone, so resist the temptation to squeeze more people in it than you should.
  2. Take 100% responsibility for your happiness and life: Many people unfairly place people on the hook to make and keep them happy. This is absolutely unfair and a complete violation of the ethics of friendship. If you’re happiness is dependent upon others, you have to wonder if you could ever be happy at all. Taking responsibility for your happiness and life are only possible when you are fully aware of what you want and who you want to be. Then you have to be true to the things that are important to maintaining your mindset and emotional state. Happiness and fulfillment begin within and radiate outward.
  3. Don’t cheat on character: This is only relevant to those that want to establish sustainable success and be able to look at yourself in the mirror with pride and joy. Far too many people make the mistake of compromising for selfish ambition’s sake. This is a huge mistake! Your relationships, business and life, in general, will suffer if you become known as a person that lacks honor and integrity. People are often very short-sighted in this regard. They don’t take time to think about the context of their lives when they’re older, frailer, and in need of the compassion and assistance of others. They also don’t perceive how important what they think of themselves will be when more mature, wiser and settled. So, prepare for a future that will serve you and your best interests well by living well now. Work to become synonymous with honesty, integrity, fairness, equality, compassion, love, and patience. Outstanding character is costly, but it pays out huge dividends.

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