We’re continuing in taking a closer look at some simple disciplines that weren’t taught in school, and these simple disciplines possess the power to certainly change our lives.

The key is understanding that life changes are not events, they’re most frequently processes. I’m a firm believer that change can be immediate or instantaneous, but realistically, change often has a beginning, middle and ending.  Change is often like a really good story.

Honestly, I’m fully aware of just how painful change can seem. Interestingly, many of us run from the prospect of change because the story is found in the non-fiction section, is usually filled with a great number of turns, and can therefore be difficult to follow. But, when given a chance, we’d find the story ends well most of the time. It’s all about how we interpret the events in the story of change.

So, here are some more simple disciplines that definitely weren’t taught in school, but they can certainly change your life profoundly and irreversibly.

  1. Practice forgiveness: The pain caused by offense can be difficult to deal with. It’s no walk in the park when someone you care for does or says something hurtful. Herein lays the great drama! We tend to respond to offense in a most limited way. Many tend to think the best recourse is revenge, to hurt back. Forgiveness is a most misunderstood idea. Many are reluctant to extend forgiveness because, in their misunderstanding of the idea, they believe it’s weak and sets us up for further offense. Actually, forgiveness is one of the most powerfully potent principles in the universe because true forgiveness really has nothing to do with the object of its pardon. Forgiveness is all about self-mastery, seizing power over our natural propensity towards pettiness and bloodthirstiness for revenge. Extending forgiveness reveals the essence of one’s nature and personal character. Truth is, everyone deserves another chance! It’s what we would hope for if we were the offender. Lastly, forgiveness is about liberty. To hold onto offenses places us in an emotional prison. In reality, prisoners, being punished for their crimes, aren’t the only people locked behind those bars every day. Every member on a prison’s staff is subject to the same lock down as those being punished. So, free yourself today by forgiving those that have offended you, and that liberty will be sweeter, knowing it’s the freedom you chose.
  2. Laugh and smile more: The ancient wisdom of the Bible teaches that laughter is good medicine, that laughter makes the heart merry. Life is serious, but some people live their lives like a Greek tragedy. Create more opportunities to laugh, have fun and be light. If your life is all work and no play, it could lead to sickness and poor relationships. Take a little calculated time for yourself to wind down, depressurize and enjoy the life you’re working so hard to build. More importantly, learn to laugh at yourself, when you’ve made a mistake, or tripped over your own feet in public. It’s going to be alright! The fate of the free world is not resting upon your flawless perfection. Choose laughter over harsh self-criticism when you’ve embarrassed yourself, and simply learn from the experience. Seriousness and focus are both extremely important, but so is well timed, well placed laughter. Then, smile a little more. Give the gift of a smile to someone, and you may unknowingly brighten someone’s day, maybe even change someone’s life. Smiling can shift the vibe in an environment. It shows you to be open, approachable and friendly. People want to be with someone like that. I’m certainly not suggesting you become a joker or a jester, but I do hope you’ll share a few smiles and laughter. You may just make the world a little better place to be.
  3. Live well; Be well: This is a most simple discipline, but many suffer for neglecting it. We truly believe we’re too busy to take care of ourselves. Many people want to live a long life, but do little, to nothing to practice the daily habits that will ensure what they say they want. Living well can be as simple as making time to exercise for 30 minutes just three days a week. Living well can be as simple as choosing water over soda more frequently. Living well can be as simple as going to bed a little earlier to get the necessary amount of sleep. Living well can be as simple as eating an apple every day. It can be as simple as managing your portion sizes more wisely. It can be as simple as satisfying your sweet tooth with fruits instead of candy or pastries. Living well can be as simple as eating prepared meals at home instead of stopping at your favorite fast food spot. It can be as simple as reading ten pages of an instructive book every day. See, living well is all about simple disciplines, done every day. And if we live well, we will be well. Letting go of addictive vices can be a much more complex issue, so I dare not insult anyone with trying to make that a simple fix. However, if you decide that your vices aren’t affording you the opportunity to live or be your best, then you can change their grip on you and your life the very moment you decide it’s time for change. Live well! Be well!

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